Get the Latest on Fatigue, Alertness Testing, and Risk Management

Transportation Fatigue Case Study
Learn how transportation companies are achieving a 52% Reduction in Annual Incident Costs, 32% Reduction in Safety Incident Frequency in FY and 302% Increase in Worker Participation.

Case Study - 3 High-Risk Sites
Learn about how the AlertMeter® App impacted 3 different high-risk sites across one company. The case study addresses the application and employee adoption.

Case-Study - Oil and Gas
Learn about a critical 24/7 control room environment that tested the AlertMeter® App.

PRISM Case Study - Mining Fatigue Management
Learn how the PRISM fatigue management system helped reduce incidents by 35% while reducing the number of hours miners worked while in a high or severe fatigue status zone.

Case Study - Evaluation of PRISM System at Kumba Kolomela Mine
The team at Kolomela has adopted a mission of becoming one of the safest mines in the world. They are building a culture of safety from the ground up including the utilization of the latest fatigue management technologies available.

Case Studies PRISM AlertMeter
Workers comp claims activity down 30%, Total Recordable Incident Rate 0.8 down from 1.6, Total Average Cost of Incidents reduced 52% over 26 months and more!